Deutsche Bundesbank President announces research initiative with MIT

Dr. Joachim Nagel, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, has delivered a talk titled “The Digital Euro: Vision, Advancements, and Challenges” at the MIT Media Lab. The event was co-hosted by the MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy (GCFP) and the MIT Digital Currency Initiative (DCI).

Dr. Nagel’s talk focused on the Bundesbank’s work on a potential digital euro, exploring the opportunities and challenges associated with its development. He also announced a new collaborative research initiative between the Bundesbank and the MIT DCI specifically dedicated to central bank digital currency design.

During a fireside chat with Dr. Neha Narula, Director of the MIT DCI, Dr. Nagel addressed key topics such as the rationale behind exploring a digital euro for the eurozone, the importance of user privacy in data management, and the technological and policy hurdles that the European Central Bank needs to overcome before considering issuing a new form of digital public money.

Following the speech and discussion, Ed Golding, Executive Director of MIT GCFP, welcomed guests to a luncheon in Dr. Nagel’s honor.

For more information on the new collaboration between the MIT DCI and the Bundesbank, please click here. A copy of Dr. Nagel’s speech can be found here.

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