EU Launches New Mental Health Project to Combat Stigma and Promote Well-being

In observance of World Mental Health Day, the European Commission today unveiled a comprehensive package of initiatives aimed at tackling mental health stigma, promoting understanding, and ensuring access to quality mental healthcare.

The Commission’s EU Support Package on stigma will work with national authorities and mental health advocacy groups to implement inclusive and informed policies. The new “In this together” campaign will reach out to people across the EU to challenge misconceptions and promote greater acceptance of mental health.

Additionally, the Commission published an updated tracker to monitor progress on the 20 flagship initiatives that are part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to mental health. This approach, launched in 2023, includes funding opportunities worth €1.23 billion to support Member States in ensuring adequate prevention, access to quality mental healthcare, and reintegration into society after recovery.

A 2023 EU survey revealed that nearly 1 in 2 people experienced emotional or psychosocial problems in the previous 12 months. The Commission’s commitment to creating a future where everyone’s mental health is nurtured, valued, and protected is underscored by these alarming statistics.

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