Ok Tedi Mining to build vital road link for community

Ok Tedi Mining Limited (OTML) has awarded a K36.1 million contract to Fly Engineering & Asset Management Limited (FEAML) for the construction of a 28.74-kilometer road connecting the villages of Atemkit and Kavorabip in North Fly District, Western Province.

The project, funded through the National Government’s Tax Credit Scheme (TCS), will provide critical infrastructure for the two communities, whose residents are principle landowners of the Ok Tedi Mine operation. Currently, the only access to Atemkit and Kavorabip is by helicopter.

“The people of Atemkit and Kavorabip are principle landowners just like the people of Finalbin and Bultem. Unfortunately it took Ok Tedi and the Government too long to recognise them through such infrastructure projects,” said OTML Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer Kedi Ilimbit.

“Today we are witnessing the signing of a road construction project that will link these very people to the rest of Western Province,” added Mr Ilimbit.

The road construction project is expected to be completed within 30 months.

“Though this has taken a long time, we are thankful and grateful for this project to finally begin,” said Mr Donald.

Western Governor Taboi Awi Yoto thanked the landowners and community for their continued support of the mine.

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