Welcome to the PMG Career Whisperer, Project Management Global’s in-house career coach.
If you have ever wondered “what’s happening with my PM career” or asked “what’s the next step I should take on my career path” or despaired because your progression has stalled or come to a stop altogether, then this weekly section on Project Management Career advice is for you.
And what’s more PMCW is a free and interactive part of the new Project Management Global service for the project community.
If right now, you aren’t quite sure of where you are in your project career and worst still you are not sure of where you are trying to get to, then you are not alone!
“32% of project managers are looking to change roles in the next 12 months. With the largest group being at mid-career level”. (APM 2023)
As a busy project professional, you have unique gifts and talents, but you may not always have the time, support or encouragement to fully reach your potential. But like so many within the profession you are seeking more success, greater personal fulfilment from the work you are doing and to have a bigger impact on the world and society.
My goal is to empower ambitious project professionals from all backgrounds and regardless of level, to step into their fullest potential, embrace their dream project achievements and become the best version of themselves.

At Project Management Global we do this through the inspiring content that we publish, by highlighting the success stories and by showcasing the achievements of project practitioners and industry leaders, innovators and change-makers. To inspire you and show you what is possible.
By sharing and recommending the best skills, processes, tools and resources from across the wide spectrum of project activity. We will help you achieve your goals, raise your career aspirations and set you of to fulfil your mission of greatness!
We are here to provide the learning and development opportunities for your continued growth and success.
Just Imagine…

… A world where more projects succeed, and where highly qualified, experienced and passionate professionals from all backgrounds are driving the changes to society that we so desperately need to see….
Project Management Global’s vision is to support the project profession to make this dream a reality.
“The only way to lift us all up is to step into the leaders and change-makers we are all meant to be. Taking control of your unique personal career journey and owning your path to success!”
Nicola Benjamin, Founder of Project Management Global